Drumroll, please.
Changing lives together.
Changing lives together 🎉
Our fundraising goal this year was the biggest it's ever been – $252,000. We recommend doing a little drumroll as you read the next sentence.
With your support, we raised the most we've ever raised. Together, we raised $285,000 (and counting) to serve kids in Pittsburgh and Haiti!
Your generosity means the world to us because it makes a world of difference in the lives of the people we serve.
Over 500 students are enrolled in school at IDADEE in Haiti. School in Haiti is prohibitively expensive, so the majority of IDADEE students pay nothing. You made that possible.
Our Mud Weekends at Laurelville sold out so fast that we added a 5th weekend this year. There are 1,534 students and leaders currently signed up. They'll hear (possibly for the first time) that God created them, knows them, and loves them more than anything. So much in life changes when you know that you're known and loved. It's a glimpse of how things were meant to be. You make that possible.
We can't wait to share the incredible things you made possible through your selfless generosity this week.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you 💙
Thank you to Wigle Whiskey for hosting Together For Good Live on Sunday, and donating 10% of the bar tab and bottle sales to our work!
Thank you, Sponsors!
George Kehoe
Langston & Sara Lacroix
Laurelville Retreat Center
Light of Life
Mike & Mary Pagnotto
Mike’s Beer Bar
Simpson McCrady
Allegheny Center Alliance Church
Craig & Saundra Rea
Peter Hilton
The Irvin Family