All About Camps

Together For Good Day 2

Breaking Down Walls

One of the most rewarding parts of every camp experience is seeing walls come down—not physical walls (hopefully!) but the emotional and spiritual walls that young people are so good at building.

Walls keep us safe—at least, that’s what we think. In reality, they keep us from being fully known because being fully known is a scary thing! But when a wall is in place, authentic connection is impossible.

Everything we do at camp—from the goofy skits to the tubes—creates shared experiences where those walls begin to come down, and campers can form authentic friendships and respond to the good news that Jesus loves them.

Camp Stats

We operate three unique PKF Camps every year.

  1. Laurelville Mud Weekends in the fall started in 1963.

  2. Surf City in the summer, started in 1985.

  3. Spring Session - our newest camp experience, established in 2019.

PKF Camps continue to grow and expand. We added a weekend to Mud Weekends this fall, meaning we have five Mud Weekends this year!

We’ll host over 2,100 students and leaders this year alone!

Support our work

Our fundraising goal is $252,000 this week!

By donating today, you ensure that this work will continue far into the future.