
How has the Pittsburgh Kids Network benefited your ministry?

PKN has fully affected my personal ministry by creating spaces for me to experience and shadow impactful youth ministers. As someone who wants to become a youth pastor one day, being able to attend and network at PKN events has allowed me to have direction-affirming conversations. PKN is full of people who are willing to help and share experiences, which allows “iron to sharpen iron” in the youth ministry world.

How has the Pittsburgh Kids Network benefited you personally?

PKN has fully affected my personal ministry by affirming my calling to youth. I used the skills I learned at PKN to lead a youth group of 10 on a Brazil Mission trip this past July 2024!

What would you tell a new youth pastor who's not connected to the PKN?

They fully NEED to get connected with PKN. This is 10/10 the community they have been searching for!